whisper-quiet (no rumbling motor sound to hide over the hill)
zero emissions on site (no fumes to waft over your guests)
long-lasting (can keep a thousand-person concert rocking for 24 hours straight)
unlike a gas generator, our battery power is:
battery Power
off-grid concerts
Battery power is particularly well suited for aesthetically sensitive off-grid events such as: weddings, intimate concerts, and off-grid recording sessions.
Here's an example of one of our favorite events that we've produced in this category. All audio was recorded on-site.
large off-grid events
Large off-grid events can be accomplished with battery power. Here are a couple of DIY handheld videos that take you for a tour of what's possible.

amplify in-motion
When you strap a speaker to an Xtracycle or bike trailer, then pair it with battery power, it's easy to amplify in-motion at parades, protest marches, and bike parties.
instant sound
A battery-powered speaker strapped to a bike is also a great solution for events that need to begin amplifying their content immediately, without fussing around with a lengthy set up. For example this un-permitted protest put on by Occupy the Farm in front of UC Berkeley's California Hall.