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2006 - 2007

As a naturalist and outdoor educator I facilitated tree climbing, ocean wading, fox-walking, and team building adventures; introducing young urban kids to their local ecosystem through multi-day forays into the Marin Headlands.

Some kids had never put their feet in the ocean before. Some kids were scared of germs. Some kids had never seen the Milky Way. As a naturalist and outdoor educator working for Hostelling International, I helped city-bound lower schoolers introduce themselves to their other-than-human kin; leading them on their bellies through hobbit tunnels of acacia, hushing them so that they wouldn't miss an otter mischeviously sneaking up on an unsuspecting pelican, and challenging them to find the courage to complete a short solo night hike, without the use of artificial light, at the end of the weekend. During my two years as "Grey Wolf" as the kids called me, I developed original songs, games, and curriculum to help the kids cultivate nature awareness, identification and tracking skills, develop confidence, and stay motivated on (long-to-them) hikes.

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