2003 - Present
As a teacher and performer I inspire lower school children to jump up on their feet and make a joyful noise with their community, to listen carefully to one another and stay in sync with the group, and to enjoy the timeless state of what Émile Durkheim called "collective effervescence."
As a music specialist and camp counselor at Manhattan's 92nd Y in 2003-2004, I taught 3rd-6th graders how to hear music written by great artists, and then respond to it by composing and performing their own original music. One of the songs we wrote together, inspired by John Lennon's free associative songwriting techniques, was so refreshingly quirky that I recorded it on an album:
As a school performer I synthesize elements of clowning, storytelling, drama, and dance to create a performance that's unpredictable and delightful; building tension and riveting the attention of young people who are excited to see what's going to happen next. Here's a couple videos from recent visits to my children's school in Salt Lake City: